Download the application form
- 24hr application form
- 12hr application form
1. Start and Registration Fee
24hr, October 18, 18:00; 60E
12hr, October 18, 23:00; 30E
2. Registration and Fee payments
Registrations will take place in the stadium, the latest 3hr before begin of
each race. On spot registrations will start from October 18, at 14.00.
For online registrations you may send the completed
application forms to Chortis Ioannis at [email protected], and to
Baxevanis Costas at [email protected]. Registration Fees will be
paid on spot. Electronic chips, numbers, and T-shirts will be provided for
registered runners.
3. Transportation
From the airport there is good connection to the place of the event with
train. For information please see at
4. Hotel booking
The choice of staying in the stadium is also possible. If so, then you should
bring your own equipment (mattress, sleeping bag, tent etc). Rooms for
runners to rest during the races will be available in the stadium.
Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee that these will be sufficient for all
runners during the peak of the races (eg, Saturday night) therefore it is
highly advisable to bring your own staff for getting some rest. To this point
we may add that in the stadium’s field, under the open sky, you can lay
down on our own mattress and sleeping back and have a good rest given
that the temperatures at this season are relatively high in Loutraki (20-30
degrees on the Celsius scale).
5. Ceremony
Closing Ceremony:
By the end of the race.
All athletes will get, besides T-shirts, diplomas, and medals. Athletes
ranking from 1st to 6th will also get cups.
6. Medical Certificate
Issued no earlier than end of July 2024.
7. Miscellaneous
In the stadium’s installations you will also find WC and showers.